PRO.DI.GY. – PROfessionalism and DInamism amonG the Youth
Ultimo aggiornamento: 13 febbraio 2025, 16:06
Lead applicant: Cento Municipality
International Partners:
- Székesfehérvár Municipality – Hungary
- Harman Company – Hungary:
Local partners:
- San Giovanni in Persiceto (BO) Municipality – Italy:
- Centoform – Italy:
- Futura scarl:
Technical partner: Ferfilò a.s.d.:
Financed by: Emilia Romagna Region, Italy
Duration: March 2019 – February 2020
Main Objective: To contribute to the consolidation and further development of international activities of Emilia Romagna public bodies through profitable relations with public bodies of other states, carrying out important activities together and subscribing twinning and friendship agreements.
The PRO.DI.GY project aimed at the development of international relations and exchanges, in order to promote the importance of young people and promoting objectives of the 2030 Agenda related to Education, Culture, Youth.
Specific objectives:
International mobility activity to Hungary for 2 Italian local young people attending Vocational training courses in Cento and San Giovanni in Persiceto, with the aim of promoting the acquisition of skills to be used in the job market carried out in the context of an institutional, economic and social partnership.
To strengthen and re-new Cento-Székesfehérvár historical twinning fostering new youth policies, cultural policies and educational policies.